The Seed Group of Psychology in the coming years

Rene Fugere (Canada)
WhenSun, December 23, 7pm – 8pm
The purpose of the seed-group on Psychology is to give to the world the best methods and techniques, usable by everyone at different stages of their development: to purify the astral body, to integrate the personality, to fuse the personality with the Soul. The knowledge of the Rays is important to support that process, as it gives the keys of the work to be done by each individual type.


  1. Hello everyone,
    I want to let you know about a book called "Transformers: The Therapists of the Future". It was written by Jacquelyn Small, LMSW more than 30 years ago. All of her written work has a foundation in esoteric psychology, and she has done a nice job of describing what the various planes of transformation look like. Her website, is I didn't remember this until late in our group session today...but there was a question from one member about the existence of such work.

  2. Seed Groups International can be found on:
    Each of the seed groups has a discussion forum that people are welcome to join. We do ask you to complete a questionaire first. This a forum for people who meditate supporting the work of making the planet sacred and raising the consciousness of humanity.
    As Rene mentioned in his session,he is member of this group.

    1. Thanks for posting this. I see there is a seed group for Science. I have recently become interested in seed group VII (Ext. Hierarchy p56) regarding Science and Ray VII. I post this here to encourage others to consider communication and formation of this group.

  3. From Josette Lesieur, Espaces d'Ouverture:

    I am a psychologist and I was very touched. I try to work this way in the human constitution's consciousness
    and in connection with Soul's energy,
    but I don't feel sure and I feel lonely.
    Not lonely in the Esoteric work because I am student in Arcane School, but lonely in the professional work.

    I thought the psychologists groupe existed only on the subjective level, and I heard you speak about some groupe in France where I live.
    Have you some more informations ? I never heard about it before ?
    I am not strong enough to organize it myself but I were very grateful if I could participate or / and stay in connection.


  4. As Humanity progresses through the First Initiation and learns how to establish Soul connection – psychology will witness the rapid and massive shift from all sort of fears – and the fear of death first of all.
    This will cause a major shift in social psychology and consequently and inevitably political and social institutions around the world.

  5. Impression that Esoteric Psychology can support the recognition of humanity as One, can begin to build into the process of unfoldment that we have no real personal significance separated from the whole. It can assist then in moving psychology from what can be a self-absorbed pursuit to one that unites us with the unconditional love of the universe
