The Seed Group of Economists and Financiers

Webinar moderated by Mikhail Krikun (Russia)
Thu, December 27, 2am – 3am
Register at:

The world economics is coming to a systemic crisis now. For example, we
see huge national debts of the leading countries and possible defaults of
several national economies in the near feature. Humanity systematically spends
more than it can afford. Huge volume of "not backed derivatives" is
circulating in the world financial system. Money is no more used as a measure
of real values, it is turned into a fictitious value. Traditional economic
ideas and approaches are not working anymore.

Word needs the new economics that is based on cooperation, effective
resource sharing, unity and right human relationships.

Of course, transformation of the new world economic model cannot be fast
because, after all, it is conditioned by the evolutionary progress of
consciousness of the people and whole countries.

But we as disciples should meditate on the precipitation of the new
economic principles and on the understanding of how we can modify, qualify and
adapt the 3th Ray aspect of the Plan in our group discipleship and service
during the next 7 years.


  1. I visualized basic human needs being met and governments working toward right livelihood. Trade agreements kept coming up for me that they can be beneficial if negotiated with a purpose of creating a beneficial arrangement. This is usually not the case. but they could be very powerful if the intention is to benefit the countries involved and humanity.

  2. We have just concluded the webinar of the Seed Group of Economists and Financiers. I contribute the following:
    Problem of current economic system: it is based on a human consciousness of lack and loss - survivial of the fittest. As human consciousness, we mis-identify ourselves as human beings, when our true identity is as soul incarnate. This mis-identification results in mis purposing our expression in the material planes - physical, emotional, mental, spiritual.

    Energy follows thought into form and crystalization. Money, economic systems are an accurate expression of our human consciousness - following our mass consciousness into thoughts, words, deeds, systems and civilization.

    So it is now necessary and possible to move our human consciousness to higher levels through our group subjective - meditative work. this is the only work that can be done to influence the causes of the matrial world expressions and systems that are collapsing.

    So it is in our/the movement of human consciousness to a consciousness of fulfilllment - fulfillment of purpose - higher purpose. This consciousness is newly available to us as conscious soul incarnate and the NGWS. Much of this work of building the new civilization is captured in the work of Master R of the Ashram of Synthesis - integrated with the Master DK and Master M.

    The solution is held at causal levels - higher consciousness - soul consciousness - a level our organized, focused group consciousness can draw down into our brain consciousness to expand the human consciousness beyond form into meaning, quality and purpose.

    The work to be done is in re-purposing, re-identifying the true of who we are, and our true purpose. this we do as group consciousness.

    I am a teachr of the Wisdom of the Soul, which contains Laws and princples of Economy that can inform the economic work of the New Civiliztion for which Master R is responsible as Mahachohan. Additionally, a Master of the Ashram of the Avatar of Synthesis, Master HI, has joined Master R and the Ashram of Synthesis in working most directly with humanity in these immediate shifts of consciousness now so necessary, and so available now from our overshadowing spiritual soul in the form of the Divine Plan.

    I will make these materials available upon your interest.

    Fred McEwan

  3. Thank you for the webinar, Mikhail.

    I would like to follow on what Belinda said about an economy based on the exchange of services rather than money. I think money might only be worth something at the moment it is exchanged for labor in the form of the production of a product or the delivery of a service. For people to produce what is needed, they must know what is needed to be produced by them and have the education needed to produce that product or service.

    Therefore, maybe the problem of the distribution of money can be transcended by considering instead the distribution of the education and which products and services need to be produced by which groups, provided as a suggestion to receptive people, not a decree. Those who would cooperate in this economy would be remunerated by prices based on fairness, not based on a market economy.

    As an engineering student I am convinced that education is 95% about the reading of textbooks, which are available to anyone to purchase in web shops, and 5% watching experts do a job and learning from them. It really is not about attending a university; the university is just a framework in which the reading of books is encouraged, but 95% of all learning is in my opinion the self motivated reading of books, and no one can do that for anybody else. Thus the education of the people of the world can easily be facilitated on-line, which solves the problem of the distribution of education.

    Thus, everybody can take part in such an economy at their own choosing and thus have plenty.

    In brotherhood, Martin
