Devic Kingdom

Webinar moderated by Niels Bronstead (Denmark)
WhenSat, December 22, 7pm – 8pm
Many people are used to regard themselves as absolute rulers in nature. This is an understanding that the esoteric teachings soon makes us revise. It tells us that the whole of nature is animated by living intelligences who build all life forms, including human bodies, and at the same time constitute the substance they are built of. These beings are altogether called the deva kingdom, and they exist in two categories: beings whose evolution is before and after the human stage, for all life passes through the human kingdom. Those beings who are before the human stage are usually termed ”devas”, while those after are called by the biblical name “Angels”.


  1. My impressions during the meditation were vivid. Before I share, can you tell me where the primary reading material about the devas can be found in the Alice Bailey books and in your work? You mentioned a curriculum you wrote. Is it available in English? I’m following Sergei Smirnov’s suggestion, made during a pre-festival webinar, to write down all of our thoughts and questions before and during the Festival Week so that we will have our answers by the end of the festival. Now I understand why he said that.


    During the meditation a little mechanism like a TV viewer came into my meditative background. It was lighter than the darkness of what I saw with my eyes closed. A very interesting series of drawings slowly moved across the viewer screen from right to left, possibly indicative of a connection with the Hebrew letters, which I love and respect for their energy.

    Leading the animals was an indigenous comic book art style man. He seemed to have a great sense of humor. I saw only the side profile of his head. His long, thick hair was braided. His skin was light colored and he wore a headband with red symbols across it. Behind him came a series of solid gray animals. Their color was lighter than the blackness of the viewer so their full shadow images could be seen: first came a domesticated cat followed by a very muscular tiger. The tiger image suddenly turned to a series of circles of the same size running horizontally along the screen of this little viewer. Inside each circle were light gray colored graphical images/symbols that were too small to identify. I assume they were Hebrew letters.

    The final series of circles changed positions and sizes, with the smallest one appearing in the left hand corner at the top of the viewer screen. They increased in size as they danced their way across the viewer. The smaller ones dropped off the viewer screen. They too were animated and contained the small unreadable graphical information inside of them.

    I will ponder their meaning and what I am to do with them in 2013. Now, almost 24 hours later, I had the realization that these were the devas revealing themselves to me. Do they live with me? Do they live within me? I have more questions than answers. They feel like magical characters/friends, and I like them very much.

    Neil, thank you much. I would like to e-mail you if someone will be so kind to provide your e-mail address. The topic is of great interest to me.

    Thanks again.

  2. On how we could cooperate with Devas:
    1. if we will be conscious about Devas on personal level (in ourselves and in immediate surrounding) we will move more lightly through space physical, etheric, astral, mental and causal space. We will fill our lives with misteries of joy and beauty.
    2. On local or country level: we can nurture sacred spaces in nature – we can uncover them – we can create them in cooperation with Devas. We can make any place special invoking devas to cooperate – they will be excited to be invited.
    3. On the planetary level: when humans and devas will come together – the Christ will come.

  3. From Josette Lesieur (Ecoute, Conscience et Croissance).

    The subject was a little more surprising but I learned much. In the nature I am sensitive to the present lives, but I did not recognize between elementals and devas.
    In my body, I was aware of elementals but not of Devas. When the light come in my head, I rather understand it comes from the Soul. After this meditation I feel more connected and more conscious of the Devas evolution near the human's evolution.
