How to consider Karma in practical esoteric work.

Sergei Smirnov (Russia)
WhenMon, December 24, 2am – 3am

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For disciples working with high energies, there is a need and responsibility to go into the depth to redeem the matter: the higher the levels we reach in meditation, the deeper we penetrate into the density of karmic matter facing the inherited “mistakes” of previous cycles. 
Technological understanding of karma allows for a much higher service capacity in manifestation of the Hierarchical Plans.
As we work to manifest the Divine Plan on Earth we have to increase our karmic literacy and groups' capacity to work with the dense matter we inherited.


  1. As to separation, I found in my spiritual practice integration becomes possible when I acknowledge the power of duality. The belief in separation rides upon the back of duality. The belief in duality had undermined me and given power to "divide and conquer." Where there is no belief in separation or duality, divide and conquer has no power. It falls harmless at my feet. In summation, reconcile all dualities in life first and any sense of separation will disappear.

  2. Here is introductory statement by Sergey that was missed at the beginning of the presentation due to the technical problems:

    "The law of karma is tremendously vast, and we need a huge treatise equivalent to the works of Alice Bailey to just introduce the subject. So we don’t claim that what we are going to say will be a complete description.

    In the past we made many mistakes – from our Planetary Logos to ordinary people.This led to accumulation of the planetary mistake. And only now we are beginning to dismantle the accumulation from the previous epochs.

    Karma is the lowest law on Sirius. It is an infallible law of our Solar System..
    It is our homework, it has been introduced at the beginning of times as a bending force given to all the kingdoms of nature, to all beings, and till they fulfill it, they can not unbend. If a person or a being does not work off karma, the Lords of Karma immediately push a person in a necessary direction.

    For example – a child has a developmental delay, the parents have difficult times, they lose understanding of why they live, the colors of life fade, and the tense force threatens to destroy their family structure. On the ordinary wheel - the worse the situation the better is the understanding. When the karma is transmuted the better the understanding - the better the situation is.

    There are also karma of chain, globe, round, race and country, family karma and karma of a given person. If it is not worked out in a given incarnation, it is automatically transferred to the next one.
    There are two main types of karma in humanity:
    Karma accumulated in the previous epochs
    Karma of self-punishment – when we took many obligations upon ourselves and threaten ourselves with punishment if we don’t fulfill them. This leads us to competition. And we run around penalty circles, making ourselves hurry under the fear of punishment.

    After we work karma out, it becomes dharma – our positive asset, helping us to understand the next step."

  3. Here are the references to the quotes sited by Sergey during his presentation:

    1. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, AAB, pp.569-570 ("The intermidiate Law of Karma...")
    2. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, AAB, p.667 (a-g)
    3. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, AAB, p.845 ("The second fact is...")
    4. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, AAB, pp.846-847 ("The mystery of the Moon...")
    5. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, AAB, pp.1112-1113 ("There is the energy reaching...")
    6. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, AAB, pp.1210-1211 ("The work of building forms...")
    7. Esoteric Healing, AAB, p.30 (Second Rule)

  4. And there is another one:
    Esoteric Healing, AAB, p.349.
